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Friday, November 16, 2012

It Is As Einstein Said - It's 98% Perspiration

For nearly four years now we have been slowly working at making ties that were of a superior quality to what was available in Australia from local production rooms. Together with the help of a good friend and mentor we scoured the web, wholesale manufacturers, wholesalers of textiles and interlinings, thread shops, haberdashers, and the local library to work out how on earth it was that we could make a tie as good as what was coming out of Italy. We will continue to make our ties in Italy. The reason is that they are still the best quality and when you evaluate the time and quantity of silk it takes to make one tie properly by hand and machine in Australia, it still pays us to produce ties in Italy. These two ties above, though, are the culmination of interlinings that have come from Holland, Australia, Korea and China, of threads from Germany, England and Japan. Of silks which have come from Vietnam, China and now solely from Italy. It was a journey which started with a firm response from the owner of one workroom in Sydney circa  January 2009 who said to me when I approached him 'It can't be done, I tell you! Certainly not that you would be able to make any money from it'. He may be right about the latter part, but I can assure you that we have done something different here today and it is shown in the bottom left corner where it clearly says 'Made In Australia'. 

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